Sunday, May 6

My week in notes Part 2

So the last installment got a little out of hand - I will have to keep this one short and sweet so that I can get back to all the things I need to get done today.

Thursday: As far as I remember - we did very little, still feeling a little under the weather. I'm positive we went for coffee and a walk (because we do the a LOT) and looking back on my photo album see that this was the day Sebastian found a MASSIVE puddle in the park and splashed until I had to make him leave the park because he was starting to turn blue with cold. Because I am super mom I was prepared for such dampness and had brought along towels and a blanket. Once dry (we'd stripped him of all wet clothes) he warmed up really quickly and, re-energised, decided to walk most of the way home.

Yes, those are cowboy boots. A block from home he climbed back in the wagon and nearly passed out - only to get really irate the moment we pulled up to the gate, knowing that that meant we would be headed back indoors.

After naps we went back outside and played in the yard until dad got home - at which point I realised I hadn't gotten dinner together and decided we should get (organic) pizza*.

Friday: Walked to the park early in the hopes that Sebastian would crash before my 11:00 midwife appointment. No dice. He was pretty awesome though, he helped check my blood pressure (good) and held the doppler goo while we listened to the little bean who was dancing around a whole bunch and only let us get a hint of a (healthy) heartbeat.

All goes well and I am really starting to feel excited about the new babe. I still feel tired, and often forget that I am indeed pregnant - making things like having to pee all the time, being hungry or winded, always catch me by surprise at first. Last time around I spent every moment thinking "I am pregnant" this time I don't have that "luxury" instead I have to remember that I am a mother and wife and housekeeper and cook and assistant. Life was simple once.

After lunch (leftover pizza) we went to a nearby kid's consignment store and bought a gift for a baby shower. After far too many minutes spent wandering the store trying to figure out what to get a woman who I a) don't know well and b) is very very different from me - I wanted to get her one of these wonderful locally made pouch slings, but worried that it would not end up getting used at all, since buying a carrier can be so personal. I ended up getting her an awesome playmat and an extra musical toy to hang from the centre. Sebastian loved stuff like that when he was new.

I bailed on going downtown after that and instead Sebastian played in his room with the plastic tool set I'd bought him while I cooked dinner. After bed Andrew and I watched Idiocracy again... this is by far the best movie no one has ever heard of.


May 11 - well, things here, there and everywhere got a little crazy this past week and this post never ever got finished or posted. As I put my family's needs aside for a considerable amount of time while I wrote this, I am posting it unfinished and as is.

*we have moved to a place where awesome, healthy takeout is plentiful - making it really easy for me not to cook... not good.

1 comment:

kelly said...

We loved Idiocracy quite dearly and even let our kids watch it b/c I'm a bad mom. President Comacho! Enough said.

I know what you mean about feeling rad that you had blankets and a setup for a puddle playdate. It is just so awesome when we can let our kids do exactly what they want to do because we've got their back.