Monday, November 19

reality sets in

I am sitting on my couch, baby asleep on my chest and laptop perched on my legs, watching my mom do my dishes and listening to my husband and son bathe in the bathroom, lists of the things I *should* be doing rolling through my head, final credit-style.

Today my husband got me out of bed early and together we all got out of the house by 7:30a - the kids and I walked to a neighbourhood coffee shop where we would be meeting our friend Heather at 9:00a. After spilling two coffees and a warm soy milk, we walked through the rain back to our house where we all hung out, played, read books and talked until she had to leave at 12:30p. At 12:45p, Andrew walked in the door - he put Sebastian down for a nap while I ran to a sandwich shop to get lunch. My mom showed up around 4:00p and will be keeping me company for as long as "necessary." You see, I am not allowed to be left alone or alone with the kids. This is my new reality and while I enjoy the constant company... it is weird to need a baby-sitter. I am in the strange position of not knowing whether or not I can trust myself - especially strange because I don't feel any different today than I did a week ago, but today I need a sitter.

It is all for the best, not only do I know this, but I truly appreciate everyone coming together non-judgmentally to help me in a time of need.

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